Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Bauman’
Plunge into the new year
As the new year approaches, people often make resolution intended to improve their lifestyles and choices for the upcoming year. Charles (Charlie) Bauman has been resolving to do this for a number of months now, but it’s not for his personal benefit. During a four-month round cycling trek that took him from Elmira, ON, to…
Read MoreWeekly Feature: Raising awareness on the return home
Charlie Bauman has been biking across Canada for over three months in order to raise funds for World Vision, a charity organization that is close to his heart. During his journey, he has encountered many different individuals and many different situations. Through it all, his initial goal of raising $1 for every kilometre cycled remains the same.…
Read MoreWeekly Feature: “Doing it for the children”
Charlie Bauman has been on the road for over a month now. He’s making his way from Elmira, ON, to the state of Alaska. His goal is to raise funds for World Vision Canada to assist impoverished children and families. And he’s doing it all on a bicycle. Charlie began biking for World Vision last…
Read MoreLocal resident cycles for World Vision
Sore feet? Shoes don’t fit? Hundreds of children around the world suffer far worse conditions. On June 17, Charles Bauman, left his hometown of Elmira, ON, and started out on a journey along the trans-Canadian highway to Edmonton, and then to Alaska. His goal is to raise funds for World Vision which offers humanitarian aid for…
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